Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Monday, 23 October 2017
Getting problem to publish your academic article in a Journal, follow us at http://writers.ae
Publishing an academic article in a journal may be an annoying
process that requests an ample time and full consideration.
Follow below given tips to make the process easier:
Select a Proper
Say Something New
· Revise Your article
- Reference Tactically
- Make it Hard for Reviewers to Say “No”
In the end, the successful submission of the article in academic
journal base is unique and quality content.
Writers.ae one of the academic writing consultant can assist you
to write an article for your academic project to be published in the journal
To know more about our services, call us at 043554850 or leave
an inquiry at info@writers.ae
#articlewritingindubai #academicarticlewritingindubai #publishingarticlewritinghelpindubai
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Tips to Write a Convincing Product Description? Follow us at http://writers.ae

· Concentrate on your target
writing a product description, you must give your primary attention to your
product’s ideal buyer rather than focusing on a crowd of buyers which will make
the brand look to vague. If the product is for general use then describe using
specific words and if it is for a particular group a core description will be
needed. Make sure that you are conversing with your clients instead of giving
them an indefinite presentation.
· Showcase the benefits
your readers by not only talking about the positive side of the product but the
benefits that they will receive when they use the product. In order to do that,
you need to highlight the features of the product, link it to the user and
illustrate the feelings garnered with this product to add a personal element.
In this part, you are not only selling a product but an experience.
· Avoid vague words
You need
to be specific when you are describing the product. Using superlatives words
without the proof to back it up will make the readers lose interest in your
description and make them feel that the product is not trustworthy. When
discussing each point of the product, talk about their quality or acquisition of
patent. Justify your superlatives by providing specific proof or testimonials
from customers to add credibility.
· Entice using visuals
It’s been
proven that when your customer’s hold the product, the chances of them buying
it increases. But if you are an online seller then to sell your product
virtually, you need to add high resolution images or videos. Another trick is
to play with their imagination by letting your buyer imagine how it will be
like if they owned the product.
· Use short stories
To make
your description more interesting, use short stories. Write about the materials
that the product is made of, who is the one creating it, where did the creator
get inspiration from, how long it took to formulate it, what obstacles the makers
had to face, how did they overcome their difficulties and what process was used
to test the effectiveness of the product.
· Develop sensory words
As a
writer, you need to engage the different senses of the body depending on what
kind of product you are dealing with. By using the right sensory words, you
increase the processing power of the brain. Utilizing certain sensory
adjectives like smooth, crisp, bright or velvety have the power to increase the
experience of the reader while reading about your product which entices them to
actually purchase it.
· Sneak Social Proof
buyers, at times, don’t know which product to purchase and this is when the
social proof comes to life. Social proof are suggestions that pop-up in the
browser when you are seeing a particular product. The product that the customer
purchases usually have the highest positive reviews. Therefore, when you sneak
in a social proof which may be in a visual form of a similar product or
customer testimonials, the buyer will surely be enticed.
· Make it encouraging
your product is compelling or not, your content must be. It helps when you
design your product description in such a way that appeals to your customers.
Hence, you need to make your product description not only reader friendly but
visually appealing by creating stimulating headlines, easy to read bullet
points, white spacing, and large font size.
Writers.ae, you don’t have to be stressed about writing, designing and editing
your Product Descriptions. We are your one stop shop that creates unique and
innovative solutions for you. We will generate everything for you on your
specified time and budget and customize the content and design according to
your requirements.
To know more
about our services, call us on 043554850 or leave an inquiry at info@writers.ae
# Productdescription
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Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Why have e-newsletters become a great marketing tool?

Another obstacle companies have to deal with is the possibility of the newsletter hitting the span folder instead of the inbox. Hence it extremely vital for you to gain the trust of the user and motivate him to tag you a reliable source. E-newsletters are also a great way of branding your company and its products. By making the newsletter interactive by adding a coupon or a sales discount, you can effectively engage your customer and motivate him to wait for your next newsletter.
Writers.ae provides one of the best corporate writing services in Dubai. E-newsletter is one of the premium services offered at Writers.ae. If you wish to engage with your customers with this unique marketing tool, kindly visit www.writers.ae right away or call us at 043554850.
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Sunday, 15 October 2017
Difference Between Ghost Writing And SEO Writing: follow us at http://writers.ae
Ghost writers are the ones who write on behalf of another person who is given the credit of the book. These books may vary from political to fiction and end up at autobiographies. SEO writers on the other hand are completely different from the ghostwriters. They are anonymous or may be acknowledged for their work and write only web content that are published on the world wide web.
A ghost writer need not follow any rule of keyword and do not have to worry about the number of people reading the book. But a SEO writer has to keep in mind that fact that more and more number of people are to be attracted to the article and thus use keywords to enable easy search. Writers.ae has a number of both ghost as well as SEO writers with strong professional experience.
To know more about our expert writing services visit on www.writers.ae or contact 043554850 / 056-9173311
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Wednesday, 11 October 2017
10 Essential Steps for Writing a Business Agreement, follow us at http://writers.ae
A business agreement is a guide that helps both parties decide on the terms and conditions of the venture. It lays down the foundation of the contract and secures the role of each party. With a legally binding agreement, the status of the business relationship is stated. If one party draws up the agreement then both parties will sign it to acknowledge the terms and conditions. For one to understand the process of creating a business agreement, 10 essential steps are written below.
To establish an effective date, clearly state the date on the agreemen
By doing this you will ensure the effectiveness of the contract and make the terms stated unobjectionable.
List down the parties that are part of the agreement by stating the complete name/s of the business and/or parties involved.
The name of the parties is the most basic and starting point of the contract. Make sure that the formal name is used in the contract and is clearly stipulated in the agreement. It should be spelled correctly and must be used legally.
Define the terms appropriately
The services which the party/s will perform to meet the requirements must be stated accurately on the contract. The performed services may be written in detail to avoid any confusion. If it involves a task like company profile designing then in your agreement you need to state the length, purpose and other relevant information which is necessary for the completion of the contract.
Describe other parties and/or duties involved
If the service involves writing and designing then you need to make sure which data will be provided by the party and which will be done in-house.
Lay down the payment terms for the transaction
This section incorporates the total number of that will be availed and performed by the respective parties, how much will each service cost and date in which the deposit and final payment should be done.
Formulate a timeline for the delivery of services
Include the exact dates in which the party can deliver the parts of the service to the client. In addition, state the final deadline or the days required to complete the service to avoid any confusion or delays.
Create a termination clause
The clause will explain the steps that each or both parties need to take to terminate the contract if the service is not rendered. The payment terms for the completed work should also be stated during the termination procedure. Additionally, the days in which the termination will occur need to be clearly stipulated in the contract.
Write a dispute clause
The contract must have a dispute clause in which if any problem occurs between the parties then it could be resolved easily. One example is that when a dispute arises between the parties then the method of arbitration may be applicable.
Determine ownership rights
In the contract, it should be clearly depicted which party holds the ownership rights of the product or service. The party which has performed the service can state that once the product or service is done then the company and/or worker will turn the overall rights to the customer and make no claim of ownership when the full payment of the product and/or service is done.
Place a signature and date line at the end of document
No agreement is complete without the signature of both parties. By signing the contract and stating the exact date, the contract binds the parties together and ensures their commitment to each other.
At Writers.ae, you don’t have to be stressed about writing your Business Agreement or any part of your contract. Our expert writers can create unique and innovative solutions for you that are in line with your requirements. We customize the content according to your need and give you 100% guarantee that we will produce authentic, original and plagiarism-free work for you.
To know more about our services, please call us on 043554850 or leave an inquiry on info@writers.ae.
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Tuesday, 10 October 2017
How to Start With Your E-Book? follow us at http://writers.ae
An E-Book, also known as Electronic Book, is a digital version of a printed book which consists of texts, images or both. It can also exist without a printed material. It is readable on the computer and particularly designed for handheld or e-reader devices. Listed below are significant points to help you start writing your E-Book.
1. Develop your idea
If you have an idea in mind, develop it. Develop as many ideas you want but pick the topic that sells because you need to give what your audience wants or what they are looking for. The question that may come in your mind is “How would you know that?” The answer lies within you. You need to observe what is going around and what sell. Once you get an awareness of that, start working on your idea and make it a reality.
2. Write down your idea
Write down all your ideas and pick the best which will help your work sell. A great e-book needs to be specific and useful. You don’t need be so definitive that your readers will know everything and you will have no scope for your next book.
Also, do your research. Find out what readers and other writers want though blogs and articles. Make sure that your work useful to the current demands of the people. Try to build to build your topic and keep the reader tuned in so that they will look forward to your next chapter and eventually your next book.
3. Create an Outline
With an outline, you will be able to know where you are going. List what chapters you want, what key words you want to include and what points you want to expand on to give your e-book depth and character. You need to know what you want from the book or what purpose you want to achieve. Along the way, you can change some parts but at least you know that you are getting somewhere.
4. Design a mind map
A mind map directs you to your destination. Place your prime idea or choice of topic in the center and start adding more concepts and words that are related to your line of work. Connect those using arrows or lines and add as much as you want. You can stream line the mind map later but for now you need to build it up.
5. Continue your research
See what is out there. Examine other books and e-books that are similar to your work. Observe their writing style and how they conveying their message so your work stands. Your work should not be a copy of another work so you need to continue your research to ensure that you are producing something that is authentic and original.
6. Work on your E-book
Once you have everything in place, start writing your e-book. Be focused and motivated. Avoid any distractions such as your TV, cellphone or internet connection for a period of time. If necessary, use a timer so that you can stay on track and measure your breaks. If you are stuck along the way, you can highlight or underline it and get back to it later so your time won’t be wasted and you train of through of wont be lost.
7. Edit your work
No matter what happens, don’t stop writing. You can add words or edit it later. When you are done with your writing, re-read your e-book and then you can change or refine your words during the editing stage. If there are any parts that you have left during your course of writing then fill in the missing information.
8. Finalize your work
Give yourself a few days for re-drafting of your e-book and make sure that you have covered all the place. Look out for confusing sentences, misspellings and missing words. You can cut unnecessary sections or paragraphs to make your work look more crisp and up-to-date.
With Writers.ae, you don’t have to be stressed about writing, designing and editing your E-book. We are your one stop shop that creates unique and innovative solutions for you. We will generate everything for you in your specified time and budget.
We will customize the content and design according to your needs. We guarantee that we will produce unique, original and authentic content and design for your E-Book.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Useful tips: how to Write a Great Tagline!, follow us at http://writers.ae

- Simplicity in words
Don’t say too much in one line. The purpose of a tagline is to be crisp, concise and understandable. Its true strength lies in its simplicity. To express yourself, product, business, idea or service, you need to only use three to five words. These few words should help you get your vision and/or mission across to your audience.
- Be direct
Keeping too many slogans for one product or service creates a sense of confusion. It is vague and follows the generic path of a lifestylist who wants to say everything at one go without realizing the complexities of it. By making your slogan too ambiguous, it becomes hollow, soulless and unrelated. Your taglines should be direct and should speak for itself.
- Create a story
A tagline is not a hodge-podge of a few words. It is in fact words intertwined together to tell a story that has meaning and portrays the idea in a precise yet unswerving manner. Your tagline, together with your logo, should have the ability to communicate the feeling of your brand to your audience.
- Explain properly
The greatest taglines are not only simple and memorable but they also are functional. They capture the essence of your business and explain the product or service to your customers in the shortest time possible by using powerful yet minimal words.
- Provide visualization
Your tagline showcases the picture you want to present to your readers. Your tagline which represents your brand should be all about clarity. It illustrates what your brand is about in a visual manner. If your brand relates to the youth then you need to make a tagline that is according to the youth. If your brand relates to luxury then a tagline should be created that connects to high quality and achievement. Your tagline is the image of your brand.
- Be focused
Your tagline should be pleasing but it shouldn’t lose your brand’s identity. In order to do that, you need to be focused on the idea, brand, product or service. Your aim should be to capture your tagline in a few words that is the best description of your company. It should evoke some kind of thought or feeling which will make the reader enticed to get to know the firm and what they are offering better.
- Grab attention
A great tagline should have the ability to stay in the minds of people. Once they are exposed to it, the words should linger and be engrained in their thoughts. In order to do that, your tagline needs to grab attention. It should go beyond ordinary and have a unique character. At times, to create an attention-grabbing tagline, you need to create some level of controversy, mystery or ingenuity.
- Keep it crisp and concise
With few words, your tagline needs to convey a lot. The power lies in the choice of your words. It should speak to your audience and assure them of your commitment as an trustworthy company. Depending on your brand, your tagline should portray emotions that are related to its application. Creating a slogan is not only about marketing but it is also about creating a loyal base of customers.
- Say what’s right
You don’t have to be carried away when you are making your tagline. It should stand out but it should be truthful. A great tagline is not easy to create for their purpose is not only to establish the company and sell the brand but to evolve the company in the best manner possible. Avoid the pitfalls of making taglines that are too explanatory, predictive or cutesy. There should be some edge to it but not every tagline needs a rhyme, pun or alliteration.
- Be focused
The more precise your tagline is the more you, your product or firm will be remembered. The broader it is, the more difficult it will be to keep that tagline in their mind. Therefore, a tagline needs to be focused and specific. It should be directed towards a particular product or service and should be in line with the current trend. Once your tagline is driven by a scenario then it will stray in people’s mind for it triggers their memory and creates better understanding.
Writers.ae offers best taglilne writing help in Dubai, UAE. To know more about our services call us on 043554850 or leave an inquiry on info@writers.ae
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Sunday, 1 October 2017
Few tips to create an effective Employee Handbook, Follow us at http://writers.ae

To make an effective employee handbook, you need to include the
some of the following topics which are listed below.
· Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and Conflict
of Interest Statements
In this section, you mention the use of an NDA which may not be
necessary but when you make an employee sign an NDA you protect your company’s
trade secrets and propriety information.
· Compensation
In this section, your legal obligations on overtime pay, pay
schedule, performance review, salary increases, time-keeping records, breaks
and bonuses will be expounded upon.
· Work Schedules
In this section, the policies regarding your work hours,
schedules, attendance, punctuality, guidelines, telecommuting and absences will
be described thoroughly.
· Standards of Conduct
In this section, the employee’s dress code, ethics and
mannerisms will be stated. If the company is affiliated with the government
then the employee’s legal obligations towards the company will be explained.
· General Employment Information.
In this section, an overview of the business and general
employment policies which covers the employee eligibility, job classification,
employee referrals, employee records, job postings, probationary periods,
termination, resignation procedures, transfers, relocation and union formation
will be given.
· Safety and Security
In this section, include the health and safety policies of the
work place which should be in compliance with the safety and health
administration’s laws that requires the employees to describe accidents,
injuries, safety hazards, suggestions and related issues to the management.
· Computers and Technology
In this section, policies regarding the appropriate use of
computer and software, procedures employees should follow to secure electronic
information and acquisition of personal identifiable information collected from
the customers will be elaborated.
· Media Relations
In this section, the employees will be explained the process of
handling calls from reporters or different media personnel.
· Employee Benefits
In this section, the benefit programs and eligibility
requirements will be explained in detail. It outlines the list of optional and
lawful benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans and wellness
· Leave Policies
In this section, the company’s leave policies is elaborated
which includes emergency leave, sick leave medical leave, military leave and
other different types of leave. In addition, the policies pertaining to
vacation or holiday is explained.
With Writers.ae, you don’t have to be stressed about writing,
designing and editing your employee handbook. We are your one stop shop that
creates unique and innovative solutions for you. We will generate everything
for your specified time and budget.
We will customize the content and design according to your
needs. We guarantee that we will produce the most informative and supreme
quality employee handbook for you which will stipulate the objectives, rules
and procedures of the company in a structured and organized manner.
To know more about our services, call us on 043554850 or leave
an inquiry on info@writers.ae
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#NDA #customizethecontent #NonDisclosureAgreements #healthandsafetypolicies
#businesswritingindubai #employeehandbookwriting #corporatewritingindubai #contentwritingindubai
#writinghelpindubai #employeemanualwritinghelpindubai
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