Thursday, 19 January 2017

How to write a Unique Article, follow us at

How you should begin your article depends on how you want to attract the reader, what your tone should be, and what style you will follow. Sometimes you may have to go through a trial-and-error process to determine which type of beginning suits best a specific article.Article Writing Services are now available in Dubai and we will now see how many ways are there to begin an article.  Broadly speaking, you can attractively begin your article by:

  • Amusing the reader
  • Surprising the reader, and
  • Involving the reader

You can surprise the readers by telling them something that they don't know but are likely to like. It may be an apparently contradictory statement- an epigram or oxymoron. It may be a completely new thought or invention. It may also be a shocking or unexpected piece of information.

You can involve the readers by saying something about them or inviting them directly in some way. The technique allows you to take the readers as your partners in the writing activity.

We at provides you the Best Article Writing Services in Dubai and in UAE. To know more about our services call 043554850 or leave an inquiry on

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