In order to finish your dissertation, you need to be focused, dedicated
and determined. Here are a few tips to help you finish what you started.
Start Writing
Writing a dissertation can quickly become a tiring task due to its
complexities. It is an ongoing project that will be reviewed by your professor
and revised by you several times to get the precise answer of your research
question. Continual revision may lead you to exhaustion and then to
procrastination. To avoid such a scenario, continue writing no matter what. It
is better to put your ideas, thoughts and answers in paper rather than to let
it remain in your head.
Don’t Stop Writing
You might have confusion regarding the direction of your research but once
it is on paper then you will have a clear view on where your study is going and
how far it is reaching. Once you are on a continual process of writing then you
will be able to determine which parts need more attention and which section
needs to changed. You will be rewarded for your perseverance for you will be
astonished that through writing your research is taking shape and solutions are
being made.
Write and Rewrite
Don not be consumed by perfection. The beauty of a dissertation lies in
the mistakes. You need to read, research, study, take notes and determine which
information is suitable for your research and what should be included in your
study. You need to keep in mind that your project must keep on moving. Whether
you spend the whole day, half day or few hours in it, the point is that your
writing should not stop. While writing you need to keep in mind, that your 1st
draft is not the last and that many more revisions will come. Once you have
placed your thoughts on paper, feel free to fix certain parts and alter your
word choices. After all, we are human and changes are part of our life.
Give It Time
To develop your overall argument, you need to form a solid thesis
statement and methodology. For that, you need to spend a generous amount of
time to do adequate research to find out what are the gaps in your study, what
needs to be answered and which approach should be used. You need to create your
own structure and create a calendar in which you can designate your time
appropriately to each matter. By giving time to yourself and your research, you
will be able to plan according and would be able to write and rewrite your
thesis so that you will determine your pace, and direction.
Keep Moving
If you get stuck then do not worry. Take a deep breath or take a short
break and move onto another section. There are times when your mind gets tired,
in order to energize, we need to do an activity that distracts the weariness of
the mind or just rest. Shutting your mind for a short time, boosts its thinking
process. Once your mind got its time then you need to keep on moving. Either
you can tackle what you have left of or move on to another fragment of your
dissertation so that each part gets completed gradually. You need to make sure
that in the thesis writing process you are giving yourself a good amount of
time to study, rest, write and rewrite. It is your energy level that will
determine the pace of your research. As you continue to progress, you will
avoid panic moments and form a habit of writing that will help you complete
your research.
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