Tuesday 30 July 2024

Product Description Writing – It is not as easy as it seems to be

Having an online store give your business a tremendous exposure, be it national or international. You can reach out to customers you have never imagined to encounter. You can offer products that you prepare locally or procure from cities unknown. No matter how you run business, there is one thing that most online retailers fall short of... its Product Description Writing.

Imagine a simple scenario:
  •       You visit an online store and browse through the product listing.
  •       The website has amazing photographs
  •       The website offers a huge array of color options and size options
  •       The website offer free delivery and urgent delivery
  •       You like the product and want to check out the product description and specification before you move to check out.
  •      You don’t find product description, with just 2 lines of product specification saying almost NILL about the product
  •        You look for other websites
     The inability of your website to cater to the most basic requirements of customers can turn your business down.

What can you do?
  •        Ensure that your products are supported with product description.
  •        The descriptions should not be lengthy, but short and crisp.
  •        It should be appealing and should motivate the customer to purchase the product.
What are the difficulties that you may encounter?
  •       Huge number of product descriptions to enter
  •       Huge time investment
How can WRITERS.AE help you?
You can outsource the job of writing product description in BULK to writers.ae and save time and effort. We offer professional copy writing services that allow you not only target your customers, but also, improve your on-page SEO through genuine and search engine friendly content.

To know more about www.writers.ae services, call us at 043554850 or leave an inquiry at info@writers.ae

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Read Books to Improve Your Writing

Writing is a craft that requires not only practice but also a deep understanding of language, structure, and style. One of the most effective ways to enhance your writing skills is through reading books. Whether you're an aspiring novelist, a blogger, or a professional looking to refine your communication skills, reading offers invaluable benefits. Here's why reading books can significantly improve your writing and how to make the most of this practice.

1. Expanding Vocabulary and Understanding Nuance

Books are treasure troves of vocabulary. They expose you to a wide range of words, including those that are rarely used in everyday conversation. By encountering these words in context, you learn not only their meanings but also the subtle nuances in their usage. This expanded vocabulary can add richness to your writing, allowing you to convey ideas more precisely and vividly.

Moreover, reading helps you understand the connotations of words—how they can be used to evoke certain emotions or create specific atmospheres. This understanding is crucial for writers aiming to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

2. Learning Different Styles and Techniques

Every author has a unique voice and style. By reading a variety of authors, you can explore different narrative techniques, from the concise and direct to the elaborate and descriptive. This exposure helps you discover what resonates with you and influences your own writing style.

For instance, reading classic literature can introduce you to elegant prose and complex sentence structures, while contemporary fiction might offer insights into more conversational and accessible writing. Non-fiction books, on the other hand, can teach you how to present information clearly and persuasively.

3. Understanding Story Structure and Pacing

For those interested in storytelling, reading is an excellent way to learn about narrative structure and pacing. By analyzing how authors build tension, develop characters, and unfold plots, you gain insights into the mechanics of storytelling. This understanding can be applied to your own work, whether you're writing a novel, a short story, or even a marketing piece that requires a compelling narrative.

Paying attention to how books are structured—how they start, build up, and conclude—can also help you with organizing your own ideas more effectively.

4. Developing Critical Thinking and Analysis Skills

Reading actively involves more than just consuming content; it encourages you to think critically about what you're reading. This includes analyzing the effectiveness of an author's arguments, the development of themes, and the consistency of characters. Such critical thinking skills are crucial for writers, as they help you evaluate your work objectively and identify areas for improvement.

5. Gaining Inspiration and Broadening Perspectives

Books are a source of inspiration. They introduce you to new ideas, cultures, and viewpoints, broadening your understanding of the world. This expanded perspective can be invaluable in developing original ideas and creating more nuanced, relatable characters and settings.

Furthermore, reading about different experiences and challenges can inspire you to tackle your own writing projects with renewed energy and creativity.

How to Read Effectively to Improve Your Writing

  1. Read Actively: Engage with the text by taking notes, highlighting passages, and asking questions.
  2. Diverse Reading: Explore different genres and authors to expose yourself to various styles and perspectives.
  3. Reflect and Analyze: Consider why certain passages resonate with you and how you might incorporate similar techniques into your writing.

In conclusion, reading is an essential practice for any writer. It enriches your vocabulary, exposes you to different styles, enhances your understanding of storytelling, and fosters critical thinking. By making reading a regular part of your routine, you can continually refine your writing skills and find inspiration for your creative endeavors. So, pick up a book today and start reading your way to better writing!

If you struggle with complex essays or assignments, then check out Writers ae to get academic assistance. 

Monday 29 July 2024

Is Essay Writing Really That Hard?


Do you struggle to write an essay? Do you feel as if its so difficult to write the piece of text, which you're about ready to freak you out? Is everything you write is unnatural and forced? Here is an advice for you: every person gets afraid sometimes of making mistakes. In some cases, it is completely okay to not be okay. Writers.ae is here to help you with essay writing tips that can help you get an A. 

Why Essay Writing Gets Difficult For Students?

Students often find it hard to write essays that can help them score high marks. The reason is that they do not have enough guidance about essay writing that further makes them anxious. With deadlines looming around, students often look to get online essay writing help. For some students, it is difficult tow rite something from the scratch, specifically if you have insufficient experience with respect to what you write about. Several students tend to feel the wave of unease, which takes a toll on them, requiring the to arrange and strategize their concepts. You generally get a long PDF document outlining the guidelines for the essay. This also makes students anxious since they struggle with academic writing.

Not every student is perfect at planning. Several exhausted students would feel that they would not try and fail.  Students also get demotivated and depressed for every sort of reason. Specifically if you are depressed, the whole writing process cannot be something that you look forward to. 

What You Need to Do? 

Develop a messy purpose or objective when starting with the essay. For instance, you should focus on taking out the piece of paper and make the first draft of your first lines. You may also write anything without giving it a thought.

You should develop a calendar for the tasks that you know you would wind up putting off. For instance, utilize Calendly or Google Calendar. You will also notice that you won't find the next assignment or essay so complex when you have enough time to think about that you have been doing.  

You must enable yourself to examine sufficient criticism and feedback as the process of essay writing is actually an assistance. You must not let the critical comments or grades describe the personality. For instance, a proper exercise involves saving your papers, indicate the professors' comments and also write down your own, and then store them in a proper chronological order so you may review them and evaluate how you are progressing. You may be surprised how you would enhance if you attempt to grow. 

Make sure to develop an Introduction (explaining the purpose of the essay and thesis statement), Main Body (generally of three paragraphs, explaining the whole body of the essay), and Conclusion (writing the main conclusion and summarizing the whole essay). 

Now you are prepared to write a flawless essay that will surely get you an A. Just follow the guidelines properly and add relevant references and citations to back your claims. Write academically and avoid informal tone. 

Sunday 28 July 2024

Need CV Writing Help in Dubai?


Standing out in Dubai's dynamic job market requires a powerful CV that grabs the attention of busy recruiters. Whether you're a fresh graduate or professional, an ATS-tailored CV is your ticket to securing that dream interview. But curating an exceptional CV that showcases your skills and experience can be a daunting task. In that case, Writers.ae can come to your rescue!

Here's where CV writing help in Dubai comes in!

Why Invest in Professional CV Writing in Dubai?

A professionally written CV offers several advantages:

  • ATS Optimization: Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) scan resumes for keywords relevant to the job description. A professional CV writer will optimize your CV to pass through these filters, increasing your chances of landing an interview.
  • Targeted Content: Highlighting the most relevant skills and experience for your target position is crucial. A CV writing service ensures your CV focuses on what matters most to your dream job.
  • Compelling Structure & Format: Professional writers know the importance of a clean, reader-friendly format. They'll present your information in a clear and engaging way.
  • Powerful Language: Crafting impactful action verbs and concise descriptions of your achievements requires a skilled writer. A professional service helps you use strong language that showcases your value.
  • Confidence Boost: Knowing your CV is professionally written gives you the confidence you need to impress at interviews.

Finding the Right CV Writing Service in Dubai:

Now that you know the benefits, it's time to find the perfect CV writing service in Dubai. Look for a company that offers:

  • Experienced Writers: Expertise in crafting CVs for diverse industries and career levels is essential.
  • Customization: A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. The service should tailor your CV to your specific goals and career path.
  • Competitive Rates: Transparent pricing and packages to fit your budget are a plus.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Responsive communication and revisions ensure you're happy with the final product.

Let Writers.ae Curate Your Dream CV!

Look no further than Writers.ae for top-notch CV writing services in Dubai. Our team of experienced writers understands the Dubai job market and can transform your raw experience into a compelling narrative.

Why choose Writers.ae?

  • Industry-Specific Expertise: We have writers with experience tailoring CVs for various industries in Dubai.
  • Customized Approach: Each CV is meticulously crafted, focusing on your unique skills and accomplishments.
  • Fast Turnaround: Get your interview-ready CV in a timely manner.
  • Unlimited Revisions: Ensure your CV is perfect before you hit submit.
  • Competitive Prices: Get the best value with our affordable packages.

Ready to Take Your Job Search to the Next Level?

Contact Writers.ae today for a free consultation and discuss your CV writing needs. With our expertise, you can create a CV that will make you stand out in the competitive Dubai job market.

What is a Thesis Statement?

Writing a Thesis Statement

Almost every one of us look early in the essay for some sentences condensation of the analysis or argument that will follow. We usually focus on referring to that condensation as the thesis statement. 

Why There Should be a Thesis Statement?

There should be a thesis statement that can help you test the concepts by compressing them into one or two sentences. A thesis statement is also needed to develop the main argument and deliver the reader with sufficient guidance about the whole essay.

Curating a Thesis Statement With the Given Topic

Every assignment, no matter how complex it is, may be reduced to one single question. Your first phase, then, involves compressing the assignment into one question. For instance, if the assignment is related to "write a report on the sustainability initiatives in the UAE and specifically Dubai". Then, you can turn it into a question like "Which sustainability initiatives currently exist in Dubai?" After selecting the question, then it is important to develop 1 or 2 sentences that answer that question. 

Generating a Thesis Statement Without Any Specific Topic

if the assignment has not asked any particular question, then your thesis statement would require answering a question regarding the problem that you'd need to explore or examine. In that particular scenario, the challenge is to extract which question you must write about.

There are specific attributes found in a strong thesis statement. The first attribute is involves taking on a topic on which researchers or professionals may disagree. The second attribute is to deal with a topic, which may be treated sufficiently given the assignment's nature. The third attribute is that it expresses the main concept or idea. The fourth attribute is to include the conclusion regarding the subject. 

Takeaway Points

A strong thesis statement must demonstrate what the paper is about, and would assist in keeping the paper to the relevant topic. Do not write anything general in the statement. Rather, keep it specific and concise. For instance, "Why the unemployment ratio is South Africa has increased to 42%". If you need help with developing a strong thesis statement, then check out writers.ae You can get expert academic assistance from this amazing website. 


Saturday 27 July 2024

How to Craft a Dissertation that Gets You an A?

Whether you are considering a PhD program or recently passed your comprehensive exams, you may be wondering how to craft a dissertation. Writing, researching, and defending a dissertation focuses on representing a critical phase in earning the doctorate. There are certain steps that you need to consider when crafting a dissertation.

Selection of a Topic

It may sound like a simple step, but selecting a topic can play a critical role in the success of the whole dissertation. In some cases, your dissertation supervisor would suggest a topic. However, in other cases, you will have to come up with a topic by yourself.  

After extracting some domains for the research or questions, consider what is feasible with the resources. You must talk to your supervisor regarding your ideas and then integrate their feedback.

Conducting the Research

Before starting a dissertation, you would have to carry out research. You can find similar research papers in databases like Google Scholar or ProQuest. Then, you can develop a similar topic that is doable obviously. Don’t come up with a highly complex topic that you cannot do.

Secondary Literature Analysis

To develop a strong basis for the research, you need to conduct a secondary research analysis. In this analysis, you will have to extract research papers in your domain and then analyze them. Dissertations often include the literature review chapter that discusses the literature in detail. To develop that section, you will have to conduct secondary research and then interpret and discuss the past studies. In the literature review section, you can also conduct a critical analysis of past studies.

Continuous Research

Doctoral or even master dissertations can make the original contribution to the domain, and your research will be the basis of that contribution. The form that your research takes will rely on the academic discipline. For instance, in the computer science domain, you may have to evaluate the complex dataset for determining machine learning. In English, you may have to read the unpublished papers of an author or poet. In the psychology field, you have to devise a study or test the stress response. However, in other fields, you may have to create surveys and apply relevant statistical tests.

Writing the Body Chapters

After choosing the topic, defending the proposal, and conducting the research, now is the time to organize your whole research work into different chapters. Normally, a dissertation is divided based on an Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings and Analysis, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Your department will surely provide you with the dissertation guide that will help to structure your work. In several disciplines, the dissertations include chapters on methodology, literature review, and findings. However, in some fields, each chapter functions like the article that develops the whole argument.

Editing the Draft

After completion of the dissertation draft, you now need to edit that draft. The process of editing can be quite challenging compared to writing or researching the dissertation. The majority of dissertations are between 50-100 pages, with some even going to 300 pages.

After the editing and proofreading, now you can say that the dissertation is complete finally. You can submit it to the professor and then wait for his feedback. To get an A, you need to follow this guide and you must focus on RESEARCH and WRITING.